So recently, have been thinking  how some students have been able to come up with excellent grades and incredible G.P and I was reviewing my life and how my G.P has ran in a snail pace, of course like every other concerned student in Unilag. I wanted a better grade, my night became long, I couldn’t sleep because the memory of my G.P kept on crawling into my mind.  
 So my thought wanders wide and I caught a glimpse of students with good grades in my imagination. Observe similar traits they possess.  And said to myself, probably that why they have better grades and to flourish in this life. Learning is important, you can learn from the anything or anyone; friends, elders and your colleagues, so I decided to evaluate their lives and why they have better grades and I came up with this similar trait they possess.
Five ways to come out with good grades
Ø Positive thinking
Ø Right company
Ø Soak yourself in reading
Ø Time table
Ø Have loads of fun
Positive thinking: I have a very close friend whose G.P is skyrocketing and we are literally together 24/7 but he absolutely believes in himself. He believes he can always do well, so I thought. It starts from the mental and psychological stimulation to believe
in one’s ability no matter how unprepared you are, you must first be psychological wealthy. Meaning you have to believe in yourself and I found out that all student with high G.P have one thing in common positive outlook. Believing in there inward abilities.
Right company: the saying goes; your friends define who you are. The company of people you have has a large chunk of influence in your life either in a positive way or a negative way. Directly or indirectly, our company is what makes us. In my philosophy of life, I believe walking with people smarter than you make you even smarter because you would want to live to standard. Therefore to have good grades; you need to have the right clique of company.  It’s alright to be alone but more fulfilling to have at least 2 or more people that can push you from your comfort zone to help you study better, helps with assignment and G.P generally.
Soak yourself in studying: one thing I have noticed about flying G.P’s basically is to soak yourself into studying, this set of people started before everybody. I mean, when you soak yourself into studying it will pay during exam period but trying to catch everything during exams would not produce a flying G.P. constant reading, getting enough materials, study hard and when it comes to lecture free period, it would be easy to assimilate and consequently do well in the exam because you have soaked yourself to studying.
 Time table: the power of time table is never known until it’s drafted. One thing I noticed about these students is that they all have a drafted time table for their studies; these helps you to know what you are doing and puts you in  check of your courses and how to go about it.
Time table may not work for everybody, but those that want to structure and arrange their time properly. A drafted time table is needed.
Have fun: I mean life without fun is not fun. You have to rest and give pleasure to your brain. Your brain is like a machine and it needs to be oiled, while studying makes the brain work. Having fun gives the brain repair; to make it suitable for better studies. Research shows that students who have a break from study always come back re-energized and better for reading and I noticed this in excellent grades student.
These compilation streams down my thought, it can either be considered as true or false.

olabanji amokeodo

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